Vegetable Cross-Pollination Guide

Below is a table of what vegetable crops will cross-pollinate with other plants.

It should be noted that vegetable varieties will cross-pollinate easily with other varieties of the same plant (eg. Carrot ‘St. Valery’ will cross pollinate with Carrot ‘Scarlet Nantes’). That information is not included in the table because it should be assumed.

Vegetable Crop
Will Cross-Pollinate With
Asparagus Wild Asparagus
Beans Self-pollinating; very small chance of different species (runner, yardlong, lima, etc.) cross-pollinating.
Beets Readily crosses with any Beta vulgaris species: Swiss chard, leaf beet, spinach beet, etc.
Broccoli Readily crosses with any Brassica oleracea species: Cauliflower, Cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, romanesco broccoli, kale, collard greens, broccoli
Brussels Sprouts See: Broccoli
Carrot Queen Anne’s Lace, and any subspecies of Daucus carota
Cabbage See: Broccoli
Cauliflower See: Broccoli
Corn Sweet, flour, popcorn, flint, dent, and ornamental corns, teosinte
Cucumber Will cross pollinated with parthenocarpic cucumber varieties. Please note: it is a commonly held belief that cucumbers will cross with squash and melons. This is false.
Eggplant Self-fertilizing
Garlic Self-fertilizing
Melons Cucumis melo species will cross pollinate; honeydew, cantaloupe, canary melon, etc. Please note: they will not cross-pollinate with watermelons and cucumbers.
Onion Note: onions will not cross-pollinate with leeks or chives. Bunching onions and bulb onions can cross-pollinate, although this is extremely rare.
Parsnip Wild parsnip; It is a myth that carrots and parsnips will cross-pollinate
Pea Self-pollinating; will not cross-pollinate with sweet peas.
Pepper Hot peppers and sweet peppers will cross-pollinate
Potato Propagated by tuber; cross-pollination isn’t an issue. (if you are propagating by seed, all varieties will cross with each other)
Radish Wild radish; spring/summer, winter, and seedpod varieties will all cross-pollinate; daikon, wild mustard, wild turnip
Spinach (more info coming)
Squash Cucurbita maxima, C. mixta, C. pepo, and C. moschata will all cross-pollinate
Tomato Self-fertilizing; potato-leaf varieties are slightly more prone to cross-pollination within varieties
Tomatillo Require cross-pollination for fruit, plant one variety at a time to ensure seed purity. Will not cross-pollinate with tomatoes (this is a myth).
Turnip Wild Turnip
Watermelon Citron; will not cross pollinate with other melon varieties.